Our mission is to provide the very best education for all pupils and the highest level of support for our staff to ensure every child leaves our academies with everything they need to reach their full potential.
Roles and Responsibilities
ATT will:
- Treat all individuals with equal value abiding by the Equality Act and Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)
- Do all in our powers to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation of a student or potential student or employee
- Ensure equality of opportunity of students and staff who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
- Promote positive attitudes and good relationships between all students and staff
- Take reasonable steps to remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by all students or staff who have protected characteristics including special educational needs or a disability
- Consider equality implications when developing policy and/or practice
- Carry out equality impact assessments regularly to assess the effectiveness of our policies and procedures.
The Trust Board and Executive Board are responsible for:
- promoting equality throughout the academies, including policies and actions
- setting Trust equality objectives and reviewing and monitoring progress towards the objectives
- ensuring that staff, pupils, parents, carers, and governors are aware of and follow equality policy and procedures
- Produce regular information for staff and governors, highlighting and addressing any inequalities
- taking action against any form of discrimination
- ensuring that all staff know their responsibilities and receive training and support
- review statistics relating to equality and discrimination
Leadership team and governors at our academies are responsible for implementation of the equality duties.
- ensuring that the academy complies with the relevant equality legislation
- ensuring that procedures are followed and regularly reviewed.
- deliver regular training to staff and governors
- take appropriate action where discrimination or victimization occurs
- monitor and evaluate the performance of different groups of pupils so interventions can be initiated to make sure all pupils have the opportunity to achieve their potential
- keeping up to date with legislative and professional developments
- notifying the Trust of actions outside this policy.
- Provide statistics relating to the protected characteristics
All staff are responsible for:
- taking up training and learning opportunities
- Be up to date and aware of their responsibilities
- being able to recognise and tackle bias and stereotyping or prejudice and to deal with any incidents
- promoting equal opportunities
- reporting to leaders immediately on any incidents relating to discrimination or victimisation
- are aware that failure to comply with the equal opportunity policy or other policies relating to this may be grounds for disciplinary procedures to be followed
The Equality Act requires the Trust and its academies to publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard for the need to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conductprohibited by the Equality Act 2010
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and peole who do not share it.
The Trust’s Equality Policy should be read alongside this document
Please see Kingsmoor’s Equalities Policy. This can be found in the Policies section of our School website.